Religious Contribution


ALHAJJ ABUL KASHEM HOSNEARA FOUNDATION, we recognize the profound impact of religious contribution on both individuals and communities. Our Religious Contribution initiatives are centered around inspiring people to give Zakat and Sadaqah to support the less fortunate. We are dedicated to not only providing direct assistance but also fostering spiritual growth through the establishment of mosques, madrasas, and the promotion of basic knowledge from Islamic studies.

Zakat and Sadaqah Programs

Zakat and Sadaqah are powerful tools for positive change. Our foundation actively encourages individuals to give Zakat and Sadaqah, fostering a sense of responsibility and compassion towards those in need. Through our programs, we aim to provide financial assistance, food, and essential resources to the less fortunate, creating a network of support that uplifts communities.

Mosque and Madrasha Initiatives

Our commitment to religious contribution extends to the establishment of Mosques and Madrashas. These institutions serve as vital hubs for community worship, education, and spiritual growth. The Mosques provide a place for congregational prayers, fostering a sense of unity and connection among community members. Simultaneously, the Madrashas offer basic knowledge from Islamic studies, ensuring that individuals have access to fundamental teachings that enrich their spiritual journey.

Teaching Basic Knowledge from Islamic Studies

ALHAJJ ABUL KASHEM HOSNEARA FOUNDATION believes in the importance of spreading basic knowledge from Islamic studies. Our educational programs aim to provide individuals with a foundational understanding of Islamic principles, ethics, and values. By fostering this knowledge, we empower individuals to lead lives guided by the teachings of Islam and contribute positively to their communities.

Future Plans: Strengthening Faith, Expanding Horizons

Our vision includes the establishment of additional Mosques and Madrashas in underserved areas. These institutions will not only serve as places of worship and learning but also as community centers that promote unity, tolerance, and understanding.

Be a Beacon of Light
You can play a crucial role in our Religious Contribution initiatives. By contributing Zakat and Sadaqah, volunteering at religious events, or supporting the establishment of Mosques and Madrashas, you become a beacon of light, nurturing both the spiritual and material well-being of those in need.

ALHAJJ ABUL KASHEM HOSNEARA FOUNDATION – Inspiring Hearts, Strengthening Communities