Mission & Vision

Empowering Lives, Building a Compassionate World

At ALHAJJ ABUL KASHEM HOSNEARA FOUNDATION, our mission is to make a meaningful impact on individuals and communities by focusing on five key pillars:

Mission: To provide accessible and quality education, ensuring that every individual, regardless of background, has the opportunity to unlock their potential and contribute to society through knowledge and learning.


Religious Contribution
Mission: To inspire and facilitate acts of religious contribution, fostering a sense of community, compassion, and responsibility towards the well-being of others, grounded in the principles of Islam.


Humanitarian Efforts

At ALHAJJ ABUL KASHEM HOSNEARA FOUNDATION, our commitment to humanitarian efforts is rooted in the belief that every individual deserves dignity, support, and the opportunity to thrive. Through a range of initiatives, we strive to make a positive impact in the lives of those facing adversity and hardship.

Winter Clothing Drive
As winter approaches, we recognize the harsh conditions faced by those without adequate clothing. Our Winter Clothing Drive aims to provide warmth to the less fortunate by distributing winter clothes. By collecting and distributing winter essentials, we endeavor to make a difference in the lives of individuals facing the chilling temperatures.


Tube Well Installation for Clean Water

Access to clean and safe drinking water is a fundamental human right. ALHAJJ ABUL KASHEM HOSNEARA FOUNDATION is dedicated to installing tube wells in areas where access to mineral water is limited. This initiative not only provides a source of clean water but also contributes to improving overall health and well-being within communities.

Shelter for the Homeless

Recognizing the plight of those without shelter, our foundation is committed to providing shelter to individuals and families in need. By constructing and facilitating housing solutions, we aim to offer a safe and secure environment for those facing homelessness.


Disaster Relief

In times of natural disasters, ALHAJJ ABUL KASHEM HOSNEARA FOUNDATION swiftly responds to urgent needs by providing disaster relief. This includes delivering essential supplies such as food, water, medical aid, and other necessities to affected areas. Our goal is to alleviate the immediate suffering of those impacted by disasters and support them on their path to recovery.


Support for the Disabled

We recognize the unique challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, and our foundation is dedicated to providing support in various ways. This includes accessibility initiatives, educational programs, and vocational training to empower individuals with disabilities and promote their inclusion in society.


Be the Change

You can contribute to our humanitarian efforts by getting involved. Whether through donations, volunteering your time, or spreading awareness, your support makes a significant difference in the lives of those in need.


Join us in extending compassion and transforming lives through our humanitarian initiatives.